NFT Museum Design
IDEAS Technology Studio
TYPE: Studio, Academic, Group Work
Group Member: Yixiao Wei & Yulu Wang
Cryptoart, or NFT art, is becoming more and more popular these days. A great number of digital artworks are posting to the internet. However, until today existing marketplaces which designed to sell cryptoart are still quite traditional and can not show the qualities of digital arts well. Therefore, we aim to create an immersive environment for people to experience and buy artworks. Due to the rapid growth of NFT markets, we propose to use modular units which can aggregate infinitely to meet the increasing needs of the world.

Physical Museum

Digital Museum
The trade of NFT consumes lots of energy, which involves a network of computers that use advanced cryptography to decide whether transactions are valid, using energy on the scale of a small country. How exactly that energy use translates to carbon emissions is a hotly contested subject. In order to keep our NFT gallery work and reduce its influence on the environment, we propose to build a structure in outer space which generate energy from solar panels to produce power for digital museum.

Our aggregation starts with 5 basic shapes, every geometry have 2 to 4 squares size for further aggregation, with those squares as connection parts to each other, the system is extending infinitely. The size of these modules varies a little bit to hold different functions. In digital gallery, the programs we want to create are divided into 5 parts, painting, connection, diorama, auction and sculpture, each unit has its own features and way to show artworks.While in physical structure ,its I/O, network, energy, processing and storage modules.

The units for physical structure will keep aggregating when needed, generating power consumed by digital gallery.
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Image Gallery 1
Image Gallery 2